REM storing Pic files in OPA applications. The following REM code demonstrates one way of doing this. PROC opapic: local id%,wi%,ht% local f$(128),buf%(100) local h%,l%,o% f$=cmd$(1) while 1 dInit dFile f$,"Icon:",0 if dialog=0 :stop :endif l%=ioopen(h%,f$,$400) if l% :goto cl2 :endif l%=ioread(h%,addr(buf%(1)),200) if l%<=140 :goto cl :endif if buf%(1)<>%O+(%P*256) :goto cl :endif if buf%(2)<>%L+(%O*256) :goto cl :endif o%=23+(buf%(11) and $ff) l%=peekw(addr(buf%(1))+o%) if l%<>%P+(%I*256) :goto cl :endif if l%=0 :goto cl :endif call($5f8d,1,o%,0,0,0) cl:: ioclose(h%) cl2:: onerr t id%=gLoadBit(f$) wi%=gWidth :ht%=gHeight gUse 1 gMove 0,0: gFill 240,80,1 gCopy id%,0,0,wi%,ht%,3 get gClose id% continue t:: onerr off beep 5,300 endwh ENDP