PROC SPEEDUP: local a%(6), fontno% REM This sample shows how to pause your program when it switches to background REM This is useful for processor intensive apps such as timers, graphics apps, etc while 1 if testevent getevent a%() if a%(1)=$402 REM The font will change after each switch REM Swaps font, delete next 3 lines in your code if fontno%<>12 :fontno%=12 else :fontno%=1 :endif font fontno%,1 do getevent a%() until a%(1)=$401 REM Process keypresses here elseif a%(1)<$400 REM Escape exits if a%(1)=27 : break :endif endif :endif REM Place your main process here, delete next 3 lines in your code at 1,1 print "Time is ";right$(datim$,8) pause 20 endwh ENDP