rem by Thomas Goeddenhenrich - rem the proc displays a sprite in an existing window at position (xpos%,ypos%): include "bmp.oxh" Proc LoadSprite:(filename$,speed&,winid&) Local i%,max%,fid&(8) max%=8 rem 8 MBMs for the animated sprite rem load the Bitmaps first i%=1 DO fid&(i%)=BITMAPLOAD&:(filename$,i%-1) i%=i%+1 UNTIL i%>max% sprite&=SPRITECREATE&:(winid%,xpos%,ypos%,0) rem winid%, xpos%, ypos% are global variables rem winid% is the windows id% where to draw the sprint rem you have to create this window first before creating/using any sprites rem Now append the sprites i%=1 DO SPRITEAPPEND:(speed&,fid&(i%),fid&(i%),1,0,0) rem the second fid&(i%) could probably point to a masking bitmap i%=i%+1 UNTIL i%>max% Rem Now draw the sprite SPRITEDRAW: rem and finally do not forget to unload the bitmaps i%=1 DO BITMAPUNLOAD:(fid&(i%)) i%=i%+1 UNTIL i%>max% endp