PROC animate: LOCAL id%(5),i%,j%,s$(5,5),w%,h% print "This version uses the Psion logo" print "ALERT: makes 5 .pic files" :get :cls i%=gloadbit("rom::logo.pic") gat 0,0 gsavebit "one.pic",15,28 gat 16,0 gsavebit "two.pic",14,28 gat 31,0 gsavebit "three.pic",10,28 gat 42,0 gsavebit "four.pic",16,28 gat 59,0 gsavebit "five.pic",15,28 gCLOSE i% w%=16 :h%=28 REM example width and height s$(1)="one" :s$(2)="two" :s$(3)="three" s$(4)="four" :s$(5)="five" j%=1 WHILE j%<6 i%=gLOADBIT(s$(j%)) id%(j%)=gCREATE(0,0,w%,h%,0) gCOPY i%,0,0,w%,h%,3 gCLOSE i% j%=j%+1 ENDWH i%=0 :gorder 1,9 DO j%=(i%-5*(i%/5))+1 REM (i% MOD 5)+1 gVISIBLE OFF REM previous window gUSE id%(j%) REM new window gSETWIN i%,20 REM position it gORDER id%(j%),1 REM make foreground gVISIBLE ON REM make visible i%=i%+1 PAUSE 2 UNTIL KEY OR (i%>(240-w%)) REM screen edge ENDP