PROC readAgn: global secs&,s,yr%,mo%,dy%,hh%,mm%,ss%,yrday% global f$(128),rtype$(6,15) f$="\agn\*.agn" rtype$(1)="yearly" rtype$(2)="monthly by date" rtype$(3)="monthly by day" rtype$(4)="weekly" rtype$(5)="daily" rtype$(6)="workdays" while 1 dInit "Select Agenda file to display" dFile f$,"Agenda file",0 if dialog = 0 stop endif trap open f$,a,day%,dur%,tim%,alm%,t$ if err cls print err$(err) else first ScanRecs: close endif endwh ENDP PROC ScanRecs: local b% while 1 Output: while 1 dInit dPosition 1,1 dButtons "Back",8,"Next",13 b%=dialog if b%=13 if pos>=count giprint "At end of file",2 continue endif next break elseif b%=8 if pos<=1 giprint "At start of file",2 continue endif back break else return endif endwh endwh ENDP PROC Output: local t$(70),ty%,in%,st%,en% local ad%,l% cls t$=a.t$ if = -1 print t$ print "To-do item" print "Priority:",a.tim% print "2nd key:",a.dur%/2 return elseif = -2 l%=len(t$)-6 ad%=addr(t$) pokeb ad%,l% ty%=peekb(ad%+l%+1) in%=peekb(ad%+l%+2) st%=peekw(ad%+l%+3) en%=peekw(ad%+l%+5) print t$ if ty%<0 or ty%>5 print "*** Unknown repeat type ***" else print "Repeat",rtype$(ty%+1) endif print "Interval",in% prntDay:("Start day:",st%) if en% prntDay:("End day:",en%) else print "Repeating forever" endif else print t$ prntDay:("Day:", endif if a.tim% and $8000 print "Untimed" else print "Timed" endif if (a.tim% and $8000) <> $8000 prntTime:("Time:",a.tim% and $7fff) prntTime:("Duration:",a.dur%/2) endif if (a.dur% and $1) <> $1 if a.tim% and $8000 print "Alarm days previous: ";a.alm%/(24*60) prntTime:("Alarm: ",(23*60+59)-(a.alm%-((a.alm%/(24*60))*(24*60)))) else prntTime:("Alarm: ",(a.tim% and $7fff)-(23*60+59)+a.alm%) endif else print "No alarm set" endif ENDP PROC prntTime:(s$,t%) print s$,t%/60;":";t%-((t%/60)*60) ENDP PROC prntDay:(p$,d%) secs&=d% secs&=secs&-days(1,1,1970) secs&=secs& and &ffff s=secs& s=s*86400 if s>2147483647 s=s-4294967296 endif secs&=s secstodate secs&,yr%,mo%,dy%,hh%,mm%,ss%,yrday% print p$,dy%;"/";mo%;"/";yr% ENDP