REM This example shows how to play a wve file PROC Sound: LOCAL name$(128),ticks%,vol%,p%,ret% REM If you have the game patience on your ROM REM drive then you will have this sound: name$="ROM::POP.WVE" REM or name$="ROM::UHO.WVE" REM or name$="ROM::CARDUP.WVE" REM or name$="ROM::CARDDN.WVE" REM or you can play system alarms: REM or name$="ROM::SYS$AL01.WVE" REM or name$="ROM::SYS$AL02.WVE" REM or name$="ROM::SYS$AL03.WVE" REM Otherwise use this for M Drive: REM name$="LOC::M:\WVE\mysound.wve" REM Set the volume: Between 0 and 5 (0 loudest) vol%=0 REM Set the ticks: duration that sound file will REM be played. If less than the length of sound REM the sounnd will be trucated otherwise it is REM padded out. If ticks% is 0 the sound is REM played without padding. ticks%=0 REM Don't ask me what this is for! name$=name$+CHR$(0) REM Or this.. p%=PEEKW($1c)+6 REM Then just play it! ret%=CALL($1F86,UADD(ADDR(name$),1),ticks%,vol%) REM Now for some error handleing IF PEEKW(p%) AND 1 PRINT ret% OR $FF00 ENDIF REM and thats it really GIPRINT "Good in't it!",1 PAUSE 20 ENDP PROC Stopsnd CALL($2086) REM use this if you want to stop the sound REM before its real end i.e. when a key is REM pressed ENDP