REM Please feel to use parts of this code in your own programs, REM however please do not modify it and redistribute it. REM If you believe you have made a useful modification to the code REM however, please do email me and tell me at REM APP Character REM type 0 REM icon "\OPD\char" REM ENDA PROC ASC: GLOBAL x%,z%,a%,b%,menu%,id%,id2%, c%(6) LOCK ON BUSY "Please Wait",3 id%=gCREATE (0,0,480,384,1) id2%=gCREATE (0,0,480,160,1,1) gBORDER $203 gAT (480-300)/2,(160-80)/2-3 gBUTTON "",1,300,80,0 gFONT 8 gAT 136,72-3 gPRINT "CHARACTER MAP v1.0" gAT 128,100-3 gPRINT "For use with Psion Series 3a" gFONT 6 gAT 166,150 gPRINT "¸ Gary Ewer 1997" gUSE id% gUPDATE OFF x%=1 z%=257 a%=1 b%=11 gFONT 1 DO gAT a%,b% gPRINT ""+CHR$(x%)+"" :gAT a%+13,b% :gPRINT " = "+FIX$(x%,0,100) x%=x%+1 a%=a%+60 REM 12 IF a%=1+(60*8) REM 11+(32*12) b%=b%+12 a%=1 ENDIF IF x%=257 BREAK ENDIF UNTIL x%=z% z%=0 BUSY OFF GIPRINT "Press any Key",1 GET LOCK OFF GIPRINT "",1 gCLOSE id2% DO x%=0 GETEVENT c%() IF c%(1)=$405 STOP ELSE x%=c%(1) ENDIF IF x%=291 or x%=%h+512 Help: ENDIF IF x%=%i+512 credits: ENDIF IF x%=%x+512 STOP ENDIF IF x%=290 mINIT mCARD "Options","Help",%h,"Info",%i,"Exit",%x menu%=MENU IF menu%=%x STOP ELSEIF menu%=%h help: ELSEIF menu%=%i credits: ENDIF ENDIF IF x%=(257) z%=z%-12 ELSEIF x%=(256) z%=z%+12 ELSEIF x%=(260) z%=z%+120 ELSEIF x%=(261) z%=z%-120 ENDIF IF z%<=-228 z%=-228 ENDIF IF z%>=0 z%=0 ENDIF gSETWIN 0,z% UNTIL x%=(27) ENDP PROC Credits: LOCK ON dINIT "Info" dTEXT "","This program was written by Gary Ewer.",2 dTEXT "","If you like this program and you use it a lot please feel free",2 dTEXT "","to send tokens of your appreciation to the following address:",2 dTEXT "","7 Sutton Park, Sutton, Ely, Cambs, CB6 2RP. ENGLAND.",2 dTEXT "","If you have any suggestions for this program, want help or want",2 dTEXT "","information on any of my other programs you can either contact me",2 dTEXT "","at the above address or e-mail me at """"",2 dTEXT "","- I'd be pleased to hear from you.",2 DIALOG LOCK OFF ENDP PROC help: LOCK ON dINIT "Help - navigation" dTEXT "","To navigate up and down the page just use:",2 dTEXT "",""+CHR$(24)+", "+CHR$(25)+", "+CHR$(2)+""+CHR$(24)+" or "+CHR$(2)+""+CHR$(25)+".",2 dTEXT "","Also you can use the menu key and it's various shortcuts.",2 dTEXT "","To get to this screen quickly you can just press the help key.",2 dTEXT "","To Quit you can either use Esc, "+CHR$(2)+"Esc or "+CHR$(2)+"X.",2 DIALOG dINIT "Help - copying to other applications" dTEXT "","When you find the character you want just go",2 dTEXT "","to an application and hold down the control button",2 dTEXT "","and type in the appropriate number",2 dTEXT "","(3 numbers long [add 0's if necessary]). e.g Control-035 for "+CHR$(35)+".",2 dTEXT "","Please note - the characters for numbers 1-32 do not seem to",2 dTEXT "","be availiable in word etc. It seems you can only get them in",2 dTEXT "","OPL programs.",2 DIALOG LOCK OFF ENDP