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MathsHelp does what the name suggests, it helps you with Maths sums. It can assist you with the following things:

  • Quadratics
  • Simultaneous Equations (2 and 3 unknowns)
    (If anyone would like it to solve simultaneous equations with more unknowns, tell me. I have not made it solve equations with more than three unknowns as I would not use it!)
  • Adds up times
  • Converts Degrees into Radians

Here are some screen shots:

The Simultaneous Equation Solver

The time addition program

Note: If you are upgrading from a Series 3 you might like to know that this program is a combination of the Series 3 programs Ratic, Degrads and TimeCalc.

As with all my Series 5 programs this is a Freeware piece of software.

This program will work on the Psion REVO, however the bottom two lines of text, as seen on the above screen shot are not visible. As you can see they are not however vital to the programs operation ;-)

Download it now (You only need one of the following files): (3529 bytes)
(installs MathsHelp automatically if you have PsiWin 2.1 or above) (3425 bytes)
(a zip containing all the necessary files)

mhelp50.exe (26527 bytes)
(self extracting archive version of the above file)




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